
Showing posts from November, 2023

Riverdance, Divindu, Namibia, 30 Nov, 1Dec 2023

Tree 100s of black kites after flying ants after thunderstorm and next morning, rock prat, many paradise flycatcher, woodlands kingfisher, Mayers parrot, thick-billed weaver.

Hogo's, Rundu, Namibia 29 Nov 2023

Wattled lapwing  Squirrel with black tipped tail? Hippo, amethyst sunbird

Taranga, Namibia, 27 November 2324

  Chameleon  Swamp boubou duets, how do they sychronise?

Taranga lodge near Rundu, 26 November 2023

 Jacobian cuckoo, 2 nagapies 

Menongue, Angola 23 November 2023

 Dusky lark, mosque swallow

Kuito, Angola, 22 November 2023

 Black kite

Calendula falls, Angola, 18 November 2023

Black-backed barbet Tree and staghorn Pedras Negras 20 Nov 2023

Cabo Ledo, Angola 14&16 November 2023

 Blue-spotted wood dove, Angolan swallow?, Angolan cliff swallow? Blue monkey when we crossed the Kwanza river on the way to Luanda 

Lucira, Angola 2 November 2023

 Green throated sunbird

Kasane, Botswana, 27, 28&29 October 2023

 Collared palm thrush,  Baobab Ground hornbill

Caprivi Riverboat Lodge, near Katima, Namibia, 25&26 Oct 2023

Shalow's turaco (thanks Rees Clements) Copper sunbird, tree pipit, Western banded snake eagle, African finfoot, vervet monkeys chasing African finfoot.

Nunda, Divundu, Namibia 24&25 October 2023

Rock pratincole Southern carmine bee-eater Chirping cisticola, Luapula cisticola, African skimmer, Grey-rumped swallow, Jameson's firefinch, brown firefinch,  Northern carmine bee-eater

Ndurukoro camp near Divundu, Namibia 21 October 2023

Pearl-spotted Owlet Grey-headed kingfisher, Souza's shrike, Sharp-tailed starling, Bradfield's hornbill, White-browed coucal, Cape clawless otter 

Taranga lodge near Rundu, Namibia 20&21 October 2023

 Hautlaub's babbler, Violet-backed starling, Swamp boubou, Meyer's parrot, Coppery-tailed coucal,  Ross's turaco, Southern yellow white-eye, 

Roy's camp near Grootfontein, Namibia, 20 October 2023

 Black-faced babbler, Spotted flycatcher

Spitzberg, Namibia 18 October 2023

Layard's warbler, 

Omaruru to Brandberg, Namibia 17 October 2023

 Rockrunner, Violet wood hoopoe, Bare-cheeked Babbler, dassie rat Double-banded Sandgrouse Tree

Omaruru, Namibia 16 October 2023

  Damara Red-billed  Hornbill  Hartlaub's spurfowl (heard not seen), White-tailed shrike, Great sparrow

Windhoek to Omaruru, Namibia 14&15 October 2023

 Nicholson's pipit, Grey-backed Camaroptera, Barred Wren-warbler, Carp's tit,  Monteiro's hornbill,  Ruppell's parrot, Rosy-faced lovebird, 

Windhoek, Namibia 13 October 2023

 Red-billed Spurfowl, Great Snipe

Swakopmund, Namibia 11 October 2023

 Ruddy Turnstone

Tirasberg, Namibia, 8 October 2023

 Ruppell's Korhaan On the way to Tirasberg

Willistone, South Africa, 30 September 2023

 Black-chested Snake Eagle, flock of 75to100 blue cranes