
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ndole bay, on lake Tanganyika, Zambia, 24-27 Dec 2023

Bohm's bee-eater?!

Lumangwe falls 23 Dec 2023

Lumangwe falls   Kawambwa just down from Lumangwe   Water snake?!

Kasanka, Zambia, 19&20 Dec 2023

Fulleborn's longclaw?!   Mandelbrot bug Wood banana @ 40m Stripped kingfisher Rufus-bellied heron Black-backed barbet  Watched this juvie red-breasted cuckoo being fed by dutiful white browed robin-chat  Sitatunga! Sitatunga! Straw-coloured fruit bat! largest mamal migration @ 8-10m Lechwe outside the park on the way to Mansa 

Fringilla, near Lusaka, Zambia

Long-crested eagle  Lots of marabou Genet  Porcupine squeezed through fence

Kafue NP, Zambia 10 to 12 Dec 2023

  Then there were 20 Black heron! Raquet-tailed roller! Puku! Puku! Yellow mantled widowbird! Red-breasted Yellow monkey! Zambian (defassa) bush buck! Terrapin  Out and about @ midday! Jacobian Gabar 30 odd 2 Bushpig Tsetse flies 

Liuwa Plains, Zambia 4 to 9 December 2023

Schliefen's twilight bat! White bellied bustard(not in roberts)! African (common) reed warbler Piet-my-vrou (heard not seen just outside the park) White winged tern! Flappet lark! Moimbo tit! Black-winged bishop! Wattled crane The only Buffalo (that we saw)  in the park  White-bellied bustard! Oribi! Lechwe! Rosy-throated longclaw!