
Showing posts from March, 2024

Amboseli National Park, 19 & 20 Mar 2024

  Kori bustard  Yellow-throated Sandgrouse  Pale flycatcher? ? Lark Long-toed lapwing Don't forget your seaweed if you go out in the mid-day sun   Red-backed Shrike White-headed Buffalo weaver Rufus-tailed weaver? Guess? Palms and snow Fisher's sparrow lark? Rothschild (Murchison), Reticulated (Ol Pejeta), Massai (Amboseli) Flamingos and heron

Ol Pejeta Conservancy, near Mt Kenya, 7th March 2024

  Lions eventually  Thanks for spotting them Rene & Carmen White and Black Also last 2 Northern Whites. Must have seen around 20 whites and 3 blacks.  Black Plains and Mt Kenya Dwarf springbok (Thompson's gazelle) Defassa waterbuck  Grant's gazelle  Jackal pup Fisher's lovebird (Spotted at lake Nakuru) Yellow-necked spurfowl Reticulated giraffe  Cuties Also checked in on the sanctuary for abused chimps