Nyungwe Forest National Park, 27&28 January 2024


Silver Monkey*!

2 day bird fest in Nyungwe Forest, see lists below, to be clear the sightings and id are entirely due to our excellent guides, Jacques & Jonas and Oppo. 

* photos by Oppo. 


Bar-tailed trogon

Yellow-eyed black flycatcher

Grey-headed nigrita

Great blue turaco

Wild orchids 

More orchids

Fawn-breasted waxbill on tea leaves.


Wild spider

Baglafecht weaver*

Northern yellow (or green#) White-eye *
# for non-birders the names of birds are frequently changed. Why? I don't know, but who decides to change yellow to green?


Mountain oriole *


Red-faced alethe


Yes not a bird but what a sweetie.
Mountain Monkey.*

Also spotted the solitary and rare red tailed monkey.

Black-crowned Waxbill *

Cammoflaged Cicada very noisy *

Northern double-collarded*

For birders only
Here are Jaques and Oppo's lists for the 2 days. We definitely dipped on many of them and there is still lots of homework ahead but this gives an idea of what is on offer. 

Also check out the distribution maps of these beauties!!!  We are in the rift Valley with serial extinction episodes. See this interesting article (thanks Jeroen).


*Birding of 27 January 2024 in Nyungwe park, Ndambarare trail:*
 1.Great Blue Turaco 
2. Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird 
5. Black-tailed Oriole 
6. Chinspot Batis 
7. Northern Puffback 
8. Lühder's Bushshrike 
9. White-chinned Prinia 
10. Black-faced Apalis 
11. Gray Apalis 
12. Banded Prinia
13.Black-faced Rufous-Warbler 
14. Chubb's Cisticola 
15. Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler  
16. Black Sawwing  
17. Barn Swallow 
18. Shelley's Greenbul 
19. Eastern Mountain Greenbul
20. Yellow-whiskered Greenbul 
21. Common Bulbul 
22. Red-faced Woodland-Warbler 
23. Green White-eye 
24. Waller's Starling 
25. Abyssinian Thrush
26. African Dusky Flycatcher 
27. Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher 
28. White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher 
29. African Stonechat 
30. Collared Sunbird 
31. Blue-headed Sunbird 
32. Northern Double-collared Sunbird 
33. Regal Sunbird 
34. Baglafecht Weaver 
35. Black-billed Weaver 
36. Strange Weaver 
37. Red-faced Crimsonwing 
 38. Gray-headed Nigrita
39. Black-crowned Waxbill 
40. Fawn-breasted Waxbill 
41. Northern Gray-headed Sparrow 
42.Streaky Seedeater

Pindura- Munazi Hotel
Jan 28, 2024
3:04 PM
5.69 km
143 minutes
All birds reported? Yes

3 Black-billed Turaco
1 Blue Malkoha
2 Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater
1 Gray Cuckooshrike
1 Northern Puffback -- Male
1 Albertine Boubou -- Endemic
1 Stripe-breasted Tit -- Endemic
1 Rwenzori Apalis -- Endemic
2 Black-faced Apalis -- Endemic
1 Chubb's Cisticola
1 Grauer's Warbler -- Endemic
1 Red-faced Woodland-Warbler -- Endemic
2 Green White-eye
1 African Dusky Flycatcher
1 Archer's Robin-Chat -- Endemic
1 Northern Double-collared Sunbird -- Male
1 Regal Sunbird -- Endemic Male
1 Dusky Crimsonwing -- Endemic
2 Black-crowned Waxbill
1 Western Citril

Number of Taxa: 20


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