Fort Portal, creater lakes, Semuliki NP, 4-9 Feb 2024, Uganda


Brown throated wattle-eye
(female has brown throat)

Creater lake

Lizard buzzard 

Tree with staghorns

Fraser's Rufus thrush

Jameson's wattle-eye 

Ironwood seed and pod

Cannopy ant nest can be 20m high.
Made from ant wax?

Congo pied hornbill


2 yellow tailed monkeys 


Primal soup

White-crested hornbill 

For birders:

Excellent day birding in Semuliki NP. The thing about Semuliki is that it is on the Easten Edge of Congo Forest without being in DRC. So lots of central Africa specials. Check the distributions of some (most) on our list for the day. 

Again not sighting and id not possible (for us) without our excellent guide Moses.

White-crested hornbill
Congo pied hornbill
Yellow-throated tinkerbird
Grey-backed Camaroptera 
Buff-throated Apalis 
Fraser's Rufus thrush 
Crested malimbe 
Piping hornbill
Red-tailed Greenbul 
Chestnut wattle-eye 
African thrush
Red-tailed bristlebill
Jameson's wattle-eye 
African emerald cuckoo 
African green pigeon 
Xavier's Greenbul 
Dusky long-tailed cuckoo (hns)
Red-bellied paradise flycatcher 
Grey-headed Sunbird 
Yellow-crested woodpecker 
Lemon-bellied crombec
Capuchin babbler (hns)
Blue Malkoha 
Western nicator
Olive-green Camaroptera 
Green hylia
Blue-crested flycatcher 


  1. Thank you for sharing! You are taking wonderful pictures,!!

  2. Glad you are enjoying them. It's thanks to the camera.


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