Kidepo NP, Uganda 18&19 Feb 2024

Superb starling

Abyssinian roller and whinchat

Clapperton's spurfowl


Ruppell's vulture ?

Yellow-billed shrike

Defassa waterbuck

Northern White-crested shrike?

Sausage tree and sausage eaters

Hundreds of Buffalo 

Rose-ringed parakeet

D'Arnaud's barbet

Male and female bushbuck

Little-spotted woodpecker?

Jackson's hornbill
Check the distribution

Wild flowers

Side-striped jackal 

Birders corner 
Again all spotting and id thanks to excellent bird Guide,  Bernard.

Four-banded sand-grouse
Lesser blue-eared starling 
White-bellied go-away-bird 

At Marula eco camp on the way to Jinga 
Black-billed barbet 


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