
Showing posts from February, 2024

Kidepo NP, Uganda 18&19 Feb 2024

Superb starling Abyssinian roller and whinchat Clapperton's spurfowl Silverbird  Ruppell's vulture ? Yellow-billed shrike Defassa waterbuck Northern White-crested shrike? Sausage tree and sausage eaters Hundreds of Buffalo  Rose-ringed parakeet D'Arnaud's barbet Male and female bushbuck Little-spotted woodpecker? Jackson's hornbill Check the distribution Wild flowers Side-striped jackal  Birders corner  Again all spotting and id thanks to excellent bird Guide,  Bernard. Four-banded sand-grouse Lesser blue-eared starling  White-bellied go-away-bird  At Marula eco camp on the way to Jinga  Black-billed barbet 

Nile delta on Lake Albert, Uganda, 16 Feb 2024

Red-throated bee-eater  Nile at sunset Darter Olive baboon  G   Northern carmine bee-eater  Nile monitor lizard  Grey crowned crane Shoebill    Trunk hugs?

Murchison Falls, Uganda, 14 &15 Feb 2024

Grey-headed Kingfisher Flowers Lizard buzzard  Sooty chat female and male Colobus monkey  Piapiac Abyssinian ground hornbill  Jackson's hartebees Help Rothschild giraffe Tallest giraffe and the male has 5 horns (Thanks Kim) Patas monkey  Birders corner: 3x separate sightings of white morph of paradise flycatcher (thanks for the id tip  Olive) Ruppell's starling  Red-headed lovebird Hautlaub's bustard

Lake Albert, Masindi 11-13 Feb 2024

  Ross's turaco  Beautiful Sunbird? Lizard  Western Violet-backed Sunbird       

Fort Portal, creater lakes, Semuliki NP, 4-9 Feb 2024, Uganda

  Brown throated wattle-eye (female has brown throat) Creater lake Lizard buzzard  Tree with staghorns Fraser's Rufus thrush Jameson's wattle-eye  Ironwood seed and pod Cannopy ant nest can be 20m high. Made from ant wax? Congo pied hornbill Mangabey 2 yellow tailed monkeys  Geyser Primal soup White-crested hornbill  For birders: Excellent day birding in Semuliki NP. The thing about Semuliki is that it is on the Easten Edge of Congo Forest without being in DRC. So lots of central Africa specials. Check the distributions of some (most) on our list for the day.  Again not sighting and id not possible (for us) without our excellent guide Moses. White-crested hornbill Congo pied hornbill Yellow-throated tinkerbird Grey-backed Camaroptera  Buff-throated Apalis  Fraser's Rufus thrush  Crested malimbe  Piping hornbill Red-tailed Greenbul  Chestnut wattle-eye  African thrush Red-tailed bristlebill Jameson's wattle-eye  African emerald cuckoo  African green pigeon  Xavier's